Quality Policy & Procedures
We are committed to:
- Complying with the requirements established by Customers, Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice, and by other interested parties. This includes: communications; workmanship; products (where applicable*, the equipment and products we use shall be UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marked (or CE marked until 31/12/2022)); contractual; programme; costs; dealing with nonconformities or non-compliance (including Health & Safety and Environmental matters); response to queries; & customer service matters. *NB not all products can have a UKCA (CE) marking as for some there is no harmonised standard to be tested against.
- The continual improvement of the company's overall performance and the effectiveness of the business management systems.
- Delivering consistently against design specifications and Customer expectations, through the professional service and workmanship of all of our workforce. Through this we aim to increase the likelihood of repeat business due to having satisfied Customers.
To achieve these commitments, the Company Management will coordinate all work activities in liaison with the Client, Principal Designer/Designers, Principal Contractor (where we are not taking on that role ourselves), manufacturers/suppliers, and other Contractors involved in the works. This includes proactive engagement on quality related matters in the Pre-Construction Phase, during the Construction Phase and as part of handover and post Project/Implementation review.
All those working for the Company (either directly or indirectly) will be required to adhere to this Policy. In particular, individuals will be expected to take personal responsibility and ownership for the quality of their own work and for suggesting any ideas for improvement to the appropriate member of the Management Team.
This Policy is to be communicated, implemented, and maintained at all levels within the organisation starting at an individual’s Company induction and thereafter whenever it is amended. The scope of our Policy includes the establishment and review of company objectives.
All Managers have responsibility for the effective operation of the Business Management & procedures in operation in their areas of control and for sharing good practices and learning points across the business, and into reviews of the Projects we are involved in.
This Policy will be implemented and validated through the following:
Workplace audits, inspections & checks carried out by competent persons. This can be by internal resources, by external resources such as Manufacturers as part of Warranty arrangements, or a combination thereof.
Training Needs Analysis to ensure all workers have the necessary Skills, Knowledge, Experience and Training for their role. This will be done as part of Company induction and reviewed as a minimum annually in light of performance, with additional and/or refresher training arranged where necessary.
Internal (and external, where appropriate) standard setting will be discussed against product specifications and manufacturer’s usage/installation instructions with all relevant workers.
Management reviews carried out on a monthly basis and/or at the end of each project, depending on the duration, scale and scope of the project.
Review meetings, internal progress reports, programme & cost plan reviews.
Reporting of non-compliance or non-conformities. Procedures for this are on the next page.
Reviewing recorded accidents, incidents or near misses.
Snagging of works, external progress reports & “Project feedback evaluations”.
Periodic reviews across Projects to identify any trends.
Reviewing complaints of any kind, whether they be from customers, suppliers, or our own team - the procedures to be followed are as described on the last page.
Once we (and manufacturers/suppliers where applicable) are satisfied that the specified works have been completed satisfactorily, had over to the Client with relevant warranties and other Health & Safety File information.
All Employees, Subcontractors & agents acting on our behalf will be made aware of the company’s arrangements with regard to all relevant Policies & procedures, including being given a copy of this Policy. All of our Site Inspections and Audits cover all of those delivering for work for us and will also take into account Health & Safety and Environmental Considerations.
In order to work for us, Suppliers will be required to complete a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire. They will either need to demonstrate their own quality arrangements or agree to apply those laid out in this document. Supplier performance will be reviewed regularly by our Site Manager during works and then by the Contracts Manager after each Project. A decision on whether to retain them as a Supplier will be taken annually (as a minimum) based on their performance to-date.
Clients, Co-contractors & their Agents may also be given a copy of this Policy to ensure that we are very clear about how seriously we take our responsibilities towards delivering a successful outcome every time in the work we undertake for them.
The Policy and related procedures will be reviewed annually as a minimum.
Additional Company guidance will be given to all persons working for this Company which outlines our rules, specifications, safe working procedures & other information relating to working for our organisation.
The current ETC Windows, Doors & Conservatories Limited Quality Policy has been adopted & endorsed by:

Glen Brotherton (Director)
Dated: 16th May 2022
Date of next review: by the end of May 2023
- Health, Safety & Welfare Policy
- Environmental, Sustainability & Waste Management Policy
- Product supplier certifications / approvals & inspections
- Work at Height Standards & Procedures
- Drawings, specifications, programmes & contracts
- Employment Policies & Procedures
Flow chart – Dealing with Non-conformities, Non-compliance & Complaints procedure:
PURPOSE: To identify & take corrective action to remedy any instances whereby the usual high standards we require may not have been met.
SCOPE: All work planned, carried out & handed over in connection with the business functions of our company. Specifically, it covers:
- Receiving enquiries, tender packs or Pre-Construction Information for jobs to be surveyed/carried out.
- Arranging the works, including our own staff, other contractors & suppliers of materials, equipment, and services.
- Carrying out work free from defects in a Healthy, Safe & Environmentally friendly manner, meeting required timescales, and delivering to specification and cost.
- Ensuring that we show courtesy & care for our customers throughout, including considering their particular business needs and the impacts of our works on them, both during the works and once handed-over to business as usual.
The following are the actions to be taken in the event of any potential deficiencies being identified:
All Staff, Contractors & Suppliersto be made aware of the standards of work, behaviour, ethics, customer service & work plans they are required to comply with, both in terms of overall Business image and delivery of specific Projects.
Upon Receipt of Enquiry/Successful OrderDefine work content, location & cost plan, receive pre-start information, generate project management documents for approval, instruct work to be done within agreed timescales, organise labour, equipment & materials, set up site & commence work.
Our Team to Self-Appraise their own Work at Each StagePreventing any substandard issues, checking materials and equipment for defects, and ‘snagging’ their own work, reporting any issues to our own management & the customer or their agents. Photographs are to be taken in such circumstances to become part of the reporting mechanism.
Our Management Teamcheck that all Materials and Equipment arriving on site are to specification; carry out spot checks, monitoring any non-compliance or non-conformities, reporting their findings to individuals involved, then to others affected; once happy with works, undertake formal snagging review with the Client prior to handover; for any issues, a plan will determine the remedial actions required, who is responsible, target completion date and final sign off arrangements.
Contracts ManagerHandover to Client with any warranties and Health & Safety File. Undertake end-Project review in conjunction with other key stakeholders.
In the Event of Customer Complaints or Negative Feedback
A) Our staff must log the matter onto our system, and then, within 48 hours of the matter being raised, establish the facts via thorough investigation. This will involve speaking to all who may know details & using any images available to produce a written report.
B) Once all details are known, relevant parties are to be informed, verbally (if possible) & then confirmed in writing with resultant actions defined. This will include any remedial works, replacement of items & financial matters. Note: for serious matters our staff may be disciplined.
C) Customers, staff, contractors, suppliers involved are then asked to agree that the matter be concluded, with a note placed on our system accordingly.
D) All such events shall be listed, and then reviewed by Management in order to monitor any trends & to seek improvements.