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Solving Common Problems with Composite Doors

27th September 2023

Solving Common Problems with Composite Doors

27th September 2023

In this article

In this article, we will dive into the world of composite doors and what lies beneath the impressive front of these highly recommended doors.

Homeowners can face some challenges when they choose to have these doors in their home. This article will explore in depth the problems that composite door owners can face and how you can solve these problems.

Whether you're considering having a composite door installed in your home or you are simply just curious about the ins and outs of composite doors, this post aims to provide you with all of the insights you need to the parts of these doors that are less spoken about.

The common composite doors problems you might face

Composite doors are often presented with their many benefits and how they can enhance your home. However, they are not without challenges to you and your home. In this section of the article, we will explore the problems you may face with composite doors before exploring the solutions and how to resolve them.

Door swelling in the sun

Composite doors are usually marketed as durable and weather-resistant. However, while they are designed to withstand many environmental weather conditions, they are not resistant to all issues. Doors swelling in the sun is one concern that can affect composite doors, although it is not very common.

Composite doors include materials such as wood fibres and other synthetic materials. These materials are chosen to give the door a balance of strength and durability. Swellings in composite doors can happen when materials used in the composite doors react to extreme weather conditions such as extreme heat and sunlight.

While the composite doors are resistant to moisture, they can still expand slightly when they are exposed to prolonged sunlight and high temperatures. Living in the UK is not a regular occurrence! 

Struggles with locking the door

Door locking issues can be a significant threat to the security of your home. There can be a few factors that lead to struggles with locking your composite door. These include


Over time the composite door or the frame can move slightly due to the changes in temperature or the settling of the building.

Hardware wear and tear

The locking mechanisms and handles of a door are exposed to the elements all the time. Over this time the wear and tear can cause these parts of the door to come loose or corroded which can make it difficult to unlock the door properly.

Key or lock cylinder issues

This cause doesn't actually have anything to do with the composite door itself but more the lock that is in the door. Problems can happen if the key gets bent or breaks or if there are issues with the lock cylinder itself, which can lead to difficulties locking or unlocking the door.

Staining on the composite door

There are different kinds of staining you can encounter on composite doors. These include: 

  1. Water stains. When it rains the water drops can dry on your door and leave water marks.
  2. Mould & mildew. Composite doors are generally resistant to mould and mildew. However, if the door is in a humid or damp environment then mould can develop on the surfaces of the door if it isn't regularly cleaned.
  3. UV exposure. Extremely prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and high UV rays can cause slight fading and discolouration of the door, although fading over time is normal.

Warping, bowing or swelling

Despite composite doors having resistance to moisture, they can still be susceptible to warping over long periods of time. This can happen especially if the door is exposed to extreme temperature changes or if they are not installed properly.

Sticky locks

Sticky locks can be caused by a few different things. they include:

  1. Misalignment. The composite door can shift over time due to changes in temperature or the building's settling. This can cause the locks to fall out of alignment and make it harder to lock the doors.
  2. Warping. As previously mentioned composite doors can be susceptible to warping. which again can mean the doors may not be able to lock properly due to the misalignment.

Dropped hinges

Dropped hinges on composite doors can cause various issues, these can include misalignment, and difficulty opening and closing the doors which of course bring safety concerns. dropped hinges can be caused by a few things which include:

  1. Misaligned installation
  2. Loose screws
  3. The building settling

Drainage issues

Drainage problems with your composite door can result in water pooling near the doors and lead to damage which can reduce the lifespan of your composite door. some factors that can cause draining issues with composite doors include:

  1. Bad installation
  2. Inadequate threshold design
  3. Clogged drainage channels
  4. Grading issues

Worn weather seals

You're probably all thinking the same thing. How do we even tell if our weather seals are worn? Well, don't worry we've got you covered. Here are the signs of worn weather seals:

  1. Drafts
  2. Increased energy bills
  3. Visible wear
  4. Moisture infiltration
  5. Difficulty closing the door

Weather seals play a big role in maintaining the energy efficiency, comfort and protection of your home. However, like every other door, composite doors and their weather seals will wear out over time due to element exposure and general usage with wear and tear.

How to overcome these problems?

So now what? We’ve outlined all the potential problems you might face when you have a composite door installed. But what kind of home improvement company would we be if we didn’t tell you the solutions to these problems or how you can avoid them!

Solutions for door swelling

There are a few things you can do to minimise the risk of your composite door swelling. These include:

  1. High-quality construction. Using high-quality materials and proper manufacturing processes when creating the door can help to reduce the chance of swelling.
  2. Thermal expansion allowance. Designing the door with a certain amount of extra space to allow for thermal expansion, can help to prevent warping, binding or swelling when the door is exposed to heat.
  3. UV-resistant finishes. Adding a UV-resistant coating to your door can help to protect the door from the excessive sunlight and the UV exposure that can cause the door to swell.

Fixing locking issues

To address the problems we explored earlier in this article, surrounding lock issues there are certain things you can do to avoid these and have your locks functioning properly. Some of the things you can do to avoid having lock issues include:

  1. Regular maintenance. checking your locks every now and then, as well as their hinges and hardware will help you spot any problems early and avoid them. Make sure to lubricate your locks and hardware when inspecting them to ensure smooth operation.
  2. Professional installation. making sure that your door is installed properly by experienced professionals just like our amazing fitting teams as they have high expertise and follow all of the guidelines and proper fitting alignment.
  3. Addressing any misalignment. If you happen to notice that there is any misalignment in your door or sticking or even difficulty locking your door then make sure to contact us and we will be out straight away to realign your door and solve the problem!

Remove stains from your composite door

Preventing staining on your composite door can be very easy. Some steps that you can take to avoid or clean the staining on your doors are:

  1. Cleaning the door regularly.
  2. Avoiding using abrasive cleaners, harsh chemicals or any harsh cleaning materials on the surface of the door.
  3. Wiping away any water droplets on your door and ensuring it is properly dry to eliminate the possibility of water marks.
  4. Address any mould or mildew growth on your door by cleaning and drying your door, and cleaning any mould or mildew that does develop on your door.

Dealing with sticky locks

Preventing sticky locks before they even occur is the key to avoiding them. This includes regular cleaning and lubrication as part of your maintenance routine for your door.

Adjusting dropped hinges

Again for avoiding dropped hinges prevention is key. To do this you can make sure to inspect the door's hinges, tighten any screws that may need tightening, check alignment, use longer screws and if a problem occurs that you may not be able to fix yourself, bring in the professionals.

We offer free service calls if a problem was to arise with an installation we have done for you. Our fitters are all experienced and know how to solve these problems should they arise.

Resolving drainage issues

There are steps you can take to ensure that you don't encounter any drainage problems with your door. These steps include: making sure you have proper installation of your door, a threshold design with proper drainage systems installed, regular cleaning, checking the weatherstripping of your door regularly and general regular maintenance.

Finally the solution to problems with worn weather seals

Ensuring that your weather seals are working properly to prolong the lifespan of your door eliminating problems for you such as drafts, increased energy bills and visible wear.

Things you can do to check your weather seals include: inspecting them for damage or corrosion, cleaning them to eliminate any dirt and debris, replacing them by calling us to help you do this and ensuring they are properly re-installed.


So to round out our article all about the problems you may face with your composite doors and the solutions to these problems to help you prevent them. 

While composite doors offer benefits such as durability and energy efficiency it is important to remember the issues you may face, but now you are equipped with the solutions to the problems you may face you can ensure you don't encounter the problems!

By understanding the common problems you may face with composite doors and how you can address them, you can make the best-informed decision for you and your home when it comes to the right type of door for your home.

Ready to Upgrade to a High-Quality Composite Door?

You've read about the common problems and their solutions. Now, make an informed choice with our composite doors that are designed to last.